Sebastian Klein, Ph.D.

Senior Python Developer / Data Scientist looking for new part-time opportunities


I am a senior Python developer and data scientist with a background in pure mathematics and 6+ years of consulting experience in the public and financial sectors. I am a strong analytical thinker and enjoy designing and implementing data science-related software solutions. I focus on results and have a hands-on attitude for getting to them. I prefer working and taking a leading role in a small team, but I am also effective on my own.

Work Experience

Principal Specialist

Valcon Netherlands | 2017/04 - 2023/06

I worked on several big data and data science related projects in various industries, including:

  • Credit risk data remediation: technical lead for the development team of an application that facilitates remediation of historical credit risk data at a large Dutch bank. Backend development with Flask and Microsoft SQL server, frontend development in Angular. Analysis of client segmentation data for development of automated remediation strategy.
  • Chatbot for personal liability insurance: lead developer of a knowledge graph-based chatbot for personal liability insurance at a major Dutch insurance company. Python backend development and Microsoft LUIS integration for NLP tasks.
  • Airport visitor flow analysis: prototyping of machine learning models at the largest Dutch airport, e.g. for predicting passenger inflow at security gates. In-airport WiFi location data analysis for commercial purposes.

Postdoctoral researcher

University of Antwerp | 2014/10 - 2016/10

I conducted independent and joint research in the mathematics department’s research group on non-commutative algebra and geometry. Selected papers:

Skills - Technical

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Extensive usage experience for data analysis, machine learning tasks and application / web API development. Relevant libraries and frameworks:


Experience with SQL Server covering complex queries (e.g. CTEs, window functions), stored procedures, basic query performance analysis.

Javascript / Angular / HTML / CSS

Basic working knowledge to independently develop small frontend applications.


CICD pipelines, Linux VMs, web server configuration (NGINX), Ansible deployment playbooks.


Container-based development flow, image creation, container registries.


Advanced usage including complex merges, rebasing, commit hooks etc; Gitflow workflow.

Microsoft Azure

Access management, resource groups, key vaults, Azure DevOps (Boards, Repos, Pipelines, Artifacts).


Ad-hoc analyses using SQL and PySpark. Programmatic use of notebooks for ETL tasks.

Skills - Professional

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Advice on small-to-mid scale, data-oriented software solutions: ideation, architecture, and implementation planning with agile workflows.

Mentoring and assessment

Technical and professional coaching, including performance reviews.


Leading small, technically diverse development teams from project inception to deployment.


Dashboard for exploring historical delay data for the Toronto streetcar system. Built using publicly available delay reports from the city of Toronto, and the Google Maps geocoding API. Data is served from a FastAPI backend to a custom dashboard built with Angular.